Question About Biofilms

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I have a question and not sure where to ask it at. Do we have bacteria bioflims in us that have lodged in our bladders? I keep reading about IC , Chinese Medicine and Anitbotics and it gets very confusing. Thanks.


This is my thinking--and if you have read my dissertation, it is much more clear. There is something called microbial translocation. At it's extreme point-this will put you in the hospital in ICU. But, my theory is that IC is a lowgrade microbial translocation. These microbes from the small intestine migrate back and forth like the ocean tides, ebb and flow, through the lymph that lines the small intestine. When there is overgrowth in the small intestine, OR, when something is introduced into the body suddenly or regularly, ie. foods or medicine, this can ultimately break the damn and allow for more infiltration into the lymph where it does not belong. In turn, the immune cells kick in a response because "they" know that those microorganisms do not belong in that part of the body. However, often the infiltration occurs faster than the lymph can wage it's war. Through this pathway, these microorganisms and the immune cells that are fighting them spread throughout the body. As this happens, the biofilms become more and more complicated because one organism tried to protect the other. They also can morph into different organsisms and then back again. This feeds into all of the tissues and organs of the body ultimately causing many different kinds of chronic illness. This is also why those having IC are documented to have at least one, if not more chronic conditions. This is kind of the simple explanation of my basic theory. Breaking these biofilms throughout the body is imperative. They are thus, not only in the bladder, no, they are everywhere. I hope this helps.

