Some More Scoop On Poop

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I don't agree with everything in this article, as many of you will quickly realize as you read it. I don't advocate, vegetarianism, fasting, or colonics. I have seen too many people become ill from all three. Some of them have taken two years to rebalance in the clinic after much suffering.

However, much of the clinical information here is really good, and I absolutely agree with it. It is nice to hear from another source.

We were meant to eat, assimilate, and excrete. Much of our health begins and ends with the digestive tract. Malfunctioning within this system leads to chronic illness, including chronic mental health issues in many cases.

This is a really nice article that gives support to the seemingly redundant important issues that I keep speaking about-not eating sugar, the importance of probiotics, the importance of not eating junk, and, even the importance of water.

This is a quick read: