A Thought For Today

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The topic of how genes and gene mutations are effecting us is pretty huge these days. My personal point of view has typically been that we can influence what we have been given with the food we eat, the supplements we take, and the lifestyle we lead-including very importantly, our mindset. I recently contacted on of my Western professors from my doctoral program to begin thinking about a retrospecitve study on the influence of Chinese medicine on IC with some amount of gene study content. It is in it's thinking stages at the moment. My thought is, is to understand better why Chinese medicine may be so effective in balancing the body and bringing in back to a healthy state despite any genetic mutations.

My doctorate is obviously in Classical Chinese medicine, and I am not a scientist, so I am not supposing to be an expert on the topic of gene mutation. But, reading this interview by Chris Kresser of Dr. Ben Lynch it is comforting to read that my feelings on this subject are very much backed up by an expert on this topic. This is very very interesting-please read!: http://chriskresser.com/what-influences-methylation-an-interview-with-dr-ben-lynch/?mc_cid=434e803cc7&mc_eid=00994b0724 
