That Time Of Year

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It is getting to be that time of year. The time of year that one reflects on the months and days past and those yet to come.

I began this year, like all of us with a lot of hope. And, like all of us, some of the things I hoped for came true, while others didn't. I wanted to start a home for those who need free treatment. A haven where people can come and stay a while and learn how to change their life, a place for those who could not otherwise afford to get treatment at all.

I nearly achieved that, and was so excited, but, it looks as if that dream will get pushed into the next year of things to hope for. But, that's OK, because, in my mind, if we envision something with great intensity and work hard towards it, it will happen.

Some wonderful things that did happen were several of my patients who thought they would never have a baby, let alone ever have sex again became pregnant and delivered in this year. What a wonderful gift to be a part of those women's lives while they were able to fulfill those dreams. I saw women become wives and then become mothers. An amazing transition that just a few years before felt unattainable to them.

And what a wonderful thing to see the chain of poor bonding mending from the lessons learned through this experience of IC. To see new mothers loving and caring in a way their mothers didn't give them. To see new mothers feeding their children wholesome food and pure water, and helping their children to understand the complexities of their tiny bodies. How many lives does one life mended in turn change. That answer is, countless.

I have had some amazing experiences with people I have been working with that were life-changing for me. With every year that passes these things happen, but, this year was particularly challenging. I stood by the sides of many who struggled to get through their very difficult journey and most of them are ending the year in a much more positive place. A few sadly, are still fighting to get to where they need to go.

Thank you for all of those who have given me your hands in trust and allowed me to take part in your journey. I am honored each time that someone allows me into his or her life and shares with me his or her pain and suffering and most vulnerable feelings.

I want to say thank you for those of you who have given back by opening your hearts to others and by giving of yourselves in the ways you can. Many of you have. I want to thank each of you. Those acts do not go unnoticed.

I am another year wiser and another year more fulfilled from this road that I myself am on. I hope that we continue this path together. 

Dr. Brizman


Colleen Bramlage's picture
Colleen Bramlage

I needed to read this tonight.  Thank you Matia.  You are an amazing human being!  God Bless!  Happy Holidays.

drbrizman's picture

I am so glad it helped. Every once in a while I hit a post at the right time-probably not for "no reason"!

lynette's picture

Thank you Dr Brizman for this, I have a first appointment with you on January 21st 2010 and will be travelling from the UK and am dreading the journey.  The whole family have pulled together to fund the trip to enable me to get out to see you and we are all hoping against hope that this will be the start of my journey back to health.
I too will be placing my trust in you as so many have and welcome you into my life to help me on my journey to recovery, so seeing your words of thanks to all who have already done so has been encouraging and heart warming on a day where I have not been able to stop myself reflecting on so many xmases where I took it for granted that I was well.  As I sit here in pain and discomfort I tell myself 'that this to will pass' and I will be able to enjoy this time of year with my family again in the future as I did before but as a healthier person and with never ending gratitude for that health.
I look forward to meeting you and hope that your hopes for 2011 are fulfilled especially the hope of offering a sanctuary to help fellow sufferers.

drbrizman's picture

That is so incredible that you have so much support from your family. I am so sorry you have to come such a long way and go through so much expense. But, I am glad you will be starting treatment and that that idea gives you comfort. I look forward to meeting you.

Keren's picture

Thank you for your depth of dedication to all of us.  I am humbled and honored to have you as my doctor.  To those  of you are thinking of seeing Dr. Brizman, please give yourself the gift and goooo for it.  She is brilliant and soooo knowledgable with grace and love in every action that she takes.
Thank you from my heart to yours!

drbrizman's picture

:) Thank you for your kind words-I am always amazed that you always have kindness being expressed from your being no matter what!

jumper's picture

My christmas too is very different from last years but without the last 3 months of your treatment it would be so much worse... i have made amazing progress  in such a short time and know that with your help 2011 will bring even more good things, as i hope it does for everyone here.
 Thankyou so much .
It will be amazing for you to get your home give so much to your patients already, but for those who are not as lucky as most that would be a lifesaver for some, an incredible achievement .i wish you all the luck with it .
Lynette... such good news you are making it over, god bless your family...i hope your christmas isnt too tough and remember such positive action will pay off with positive results...x
warmest louise

drbrizman's picture

Thank you for sharing your comments! We need more positives to be written. Many times people do so well, and don't write in sadly. Thank you for taking the time, it is really appreciated and so important for those needing hope.

Peggy's picture

Although I haven't been doing well, I am so thankful that you are there for me.  I don't think I could have made it this long without your love and endless support.  You are definitely sent by God.

drbrizman's picture

Thank you for those kinds words!

bperrea's picture

I want you to know how much I appreciate all of  your help and support over the last year and a half.  I have come to learn so much from you and understand the delecate balance our bodies need to heal and become healthy again. You have given me so much inspration! I am really looking forward to reading your book and understanding even more.  You truely are a gift to all of us!  I am looking forward to the continued journey as I have come so far from where we began.  It has not been easy at times, but following your guidelines and process truely heals! I know my recovery has not been as difficult as others, but I want everyone to  know you can heal with Dr. Matia's help, she will get you there!  Be patient and you will keep moving forward!
Thank you Dr. Matia for being one of God's amazing gifts!
Many blessings to you in the New Year!

drbrizman's picture

Thank you so much for sharing your kinds words! It means so much!