Two In One

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First, thank you for the amazing repsonses to my blog below, those and a few private emails were quite overwhelming for me to read. And, perhaps I am getting sappy as I age, but, many brought tears to my eyes, so thank you! More than anything, although I do need to make a living to feed my kids like everyone else, this work is for.... that-the knowledge that I made a positive change in someone else's life. So, this brings me to a very relevant next post. One I have thought many times to do and never have because I have felt it was not something I needed to do to validate my work. However, perhaps it is time. I am an incredibly private person, but, I will give some insight into the next post--someone asked:

How I embarked upon this journey and how did I make all of these discoveries in my work. Well, there are many many answers to that. And, I feel I am still accumulating knowledge every single day. I am constantly gethering more insight with every day that passes and every experience that I have. I never considered myself brilliant, and I still do not. However, I am attuned. I feel we all have this....invisible string that is open and connected to the "universe"-or, not. Mine has almost always been open. Maybe sometimes too much. But, in any case, it is open. That string allows me to notice many things that maybe others dont quite look at. Don't get me wrong, I think everyone has it. Just sometime it becomes blocked, or sometimes people are not aware to pay attention to it. 

I think this string has helped me through very dark times and turn that darkness into light. And, I do feel that is what I have done with my life. If I look back at my young life, I can see that there were so many signs that I was not quite right. But, of course, my parents being two very normal main stream people would nver have had any reason to realize that or do anything about. Although they did take me to countelss doctors to get countelss tests for all of the stimach and head issues I had off and on my whole life. I was told that I was an emotional child and given mylanta for my stomach aches and perhaps more the same useless kinds of medications. I remember having a CAT scan or something of the sort, they stuck electrodes to my head and said I was fine. Hmmmm. Well I was emotional, although that was certainly not the cause of my problems. I took countless rounds of antibiotics for chronic sore throats I had. Any thoughts on how that contributed to my stomach problems and headaches? But, where did all of these problems come from? Why was I getting so many throat infections? If only my mom and dad knew what I know today. Oh well, it would have been a different life-and certainly not as interesting.

I will leave out the inbetween and skip to later in my life after having been given a certain medication for a complication to a procedure-this part is a little private so I won't talk about it-that gave me the kind of pain that made me think "Uh Oh". I am going to die now. I went to my doctor first thing in the morning and that was my first dicovery of what internal organs I had. The ultrasound tech said, "umm, have you ever had any problems with your kidneys?". Well truthfully, and sadly, in my early twenties, I didnt even know what a kidney was. So, off ot the urologist I wen an hour later for more testing only to be told, I was in kidney failure and had to have emergency surgery. Well the drug they had given me for a different reason put me into kidney failiure because unbeknownst to me, I was bor with deformed kidneys. Ahh, now all of the thraot infections and stomach aches and head aches make sense! If only that had been dicovered earlier in my life. Oh well, better late than never. OK, so my whole world was now turning upside-as in completely falling apart. I was on a totally different path and that was over because although the surgeons (I am ever grateful) saved my life I was like humpty dumpty..noone could put me back together again-as in NO ONE. Those docs looked at me like I was an alien when I told them the countless number of symptoms I told them I was feeling after my surfgery was over. Oh, and BTW, that surgery is more painful than open heart surgery I have been told. It was not a lot of fun and took many many months to recover from. And it would have been oh so nice if someone had explained that a stent was left inside of me and had to later be removed, in a very uncomfortable way down the line. I was wondering why I felt I had a stick in side me for weeks on end.

When I would seek help for all of these countless symptoms that had developed after the surgery (prior I was in the gym for two hours everynight in the then top condition of my life) I was told I needed a boyfriend because I was depressed. I was told my pain was in my head. I was told I was somatizing symptoms. I looked like I was 6 months pregnant, I had pain, I looked like I was 15 years older than I was, I had boils literally all over my face, my hair was all falling out, I was night sweating in literally pools of sweat every night so bad it looked like I took a shower. I was a mess in every way. I couldnt think, I was exhausted, I looked lie hell. I wont go into all of the sad details but, it certainly included over time all of the things that most of you feel. Little did I know but my youth was in the process of being stolen from me and there would be no way for me to get it back-ever.

However, I have always been one with my "string". It never entered my conciousness to give into defeat, and after quite a long time of seeking western medicine for this part of my health, I had lost my faith in western medicine in terms of this part. One doctor gave me antidepressants without telling me that is what they were. I couldnt understand why I was laughing and in utter pain simulataneously. I was livid when I found out and relaized what I was taking. I stopped immediately.

To make an extraordinarily long story short. I started reading books. First about anatomy and physiology, Later about medicine. Lastly about holistic medicine-various forms. Then one day-probably 2 years later, I found a book on Chinese medicine-"The Web That Has No Weaver". that was it-FINALLY, a medicine that to me...made perfect sense! To someone else, it would have been gibberish. But, to me it was like going to church. It gave me such comfort. I told my mother and father I was going to quit my job and go back to school. And, that is what I did-about one month later.

The rest of this story is kind of history. I spent my years of education in Chinese medical school (where I found everyone else was as odd as I was in a good way!) trying to put myself back together again. I consumed almost every single herb in the Chinese pharmacopiae trying to uderstanding what the properties of herbs I was learning about really meant. Sometimes that went well and sometimes not so much. I caused myself some damage but, overall a lot of good. it took me many years, but, slowly I put myself back together again until I reached health once more. It was a long and difficult struggle. But, my convictions kept me strong. Even the Chiense medical doctors could not really help me. They all thought I was nuts. I remembering vowing never to think that any of my future patients were nuts.

Anyway, I ended up getting my education, learning an enormous amount and starting to practice. It wasn't until several years later I went back to started to embark upon my doctoral program and dissertaion. I accumulated  research after research and mean time clinical work as well. And, although my doctorate is long ago completed, my studies continue as each day passes. 

And now, thankfully my husband has finally agreed to come on board and practice with me. He has been a life saver for me because all of this that I have in my head I have been able to slowly download into his. He is a very gifted practitioner-able to regurgitate Chinese medicine backwards and forwards and discuss and teach it. This is a gift I do not possess-not even close. He is helping me further my work so that I can place it into a format that can eventually be taught. This is so important clearly and is something he and I are now working together towards each day we are practicing side by side. He has always been my life partner but, this step really completed that partnership in such an important way.

I hope that we leave behind a legacy of doing something that really matters in our lives. Although this is just one part of us, there are many parts as is true of everyone in life. 

I hope this story serves to inspire.



DLFox123's picture

Dear Dr. Matia,
Finding words that adequately tell you how much I appreciate this post, leaves me a bit finger tied.  I mean, I don't really want to sound like I "worship" you and come off as a crazy stalker :)  Nor do I want to go for silence and have you feel like you've been left unheard.  I hear you - I feel you with my heart.  So, thank you for sharing yourself.  To take control, feeling so ill, search, find and create your answers is so huge.  Then, to still care about others, not closing off, is the most incredible gift that someone can offer.
I hope that whatever it is that happened to cause you such pain in your practise doesn't loom before you.  If you ever need a patient to testfy to what an incredible practisioner that you are - you know where to find me.  I have no doubt that I would not stand alone in this offer.
Thank you

Mrs. A's picture
Mrs. A

Dear Dr. B,
Thank you for sharing this intimate post of your struggles with your own personal physical pain. I am sure it will be a post reread again and again by many of your patients. Me for sure! Words are inadequate to thank you for your patient healing
in my life. I thank God for you and your husband! I pray for
you and your patients. I am still utterly amazed at what
you do, and with such incredible, patient kindness. I wouldn't
wish IC on anyone, but if it hadn't been for IC I wouldn't have
met you and learned so much, which is helping all my family
to be healthier. You have blessed me in more ways than I can
say. Much love to you my dear doctor! May you keep helping so many more patients to be healthier and healthier!

Christine222's picture

Dr. M.
Thank you so much for opening up! I can't tell you how much it means to me! I can't even begin to express my gratitude to you for giving me my life back... I never doubted you for a minute! Nothing is absolute, and maybe this path isn't for everyone... but I do think it is for most if they just follow it. Thanks again for all you do!

cprince's picture

Dr. M,
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your life journey, definitely inspiring! In no way am I happy you have had to go through so much suffering to come this far to have become such an amazing compassionate practitioner, but everything in life happens for a reason. Without all of us having our own life struggles and lack of confidence in Western medicine we wouldn't have the privilege to work with you. Thank goodness the stars aligned to allow this to happen. Heck no one can figure me out, but are more than confident to tell me everything, both western and herbal, I can't take or will too end up in organ failure for whatever unknown reason. But, I know with some patience, a lot of hard work and having someone understand what it feels like to be the mystery patient, I am in no doubt in the best hands possible! Thank you!

calieve's picture

Thank you so much for sharing. I think sharing really helps other people especially those who have similar experiences. I loved reading it. I had prayed for years for a Doctor that would understand me, that would know exactly what I was going through. Then I found you. It was a huge answer to my prayers. You are literally a God send for me, and I know for many others. If I wouldn't have found you I wouldn't be who I am today. I have changed so much in the past 2 1/2 years. In this world I am actually glad that I got sick, because if I didn't I wouldn't have learned everything that I did. But it did all start when I found your practice. I read almost every blog post you wrote so that I could learn what was going on with me. I am extremely grateful for you. I have always wondered how you do what you do. It is really hard to help someone that is so sick physically, and that effects us emotionally as well. When someone is really sick they are more emotional and sometimes it is hard to help someone that is so emotional. So thank you for having the patience to do that,
I am so much better now, and I did a lot of hard work to get here, but I would have never got here if you were not my Doctor. I really can't thank you enough!!! 
Thank you for opening up for us. Sharing is caring. It is hard to share but you are helping so many by doing so. Thank you again!

clairek's picture

How I wish you weren't the other side of the world!  It takes someone who has been in that dark place, and who has been a mess, to truly help pull people out of it. Hope is such a huge part of recovery and your story gives hope to so many. You are brave to do what you do - so many would want to forget a difficult period in their lives, yet you relive it every day by helping others. Bless you. 

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Thank you, it is really special to hear your story.  Very touched.

livandlex's picture

Thank you! Thank you! What a wonderful gift to share your story! If possible, I love you even more. You are the doctor I've been waiting my whole life for! Your health journey is so similar to mine. I've been "sick" since I was born. My entire childhood was spent in and out of Children's Hospital in Philadelphia, doctor after doctor,  test after test, procedure after procedure - I had the electodes too - lol. Finally a "natural" doctor said I had Celiac Disease - which was a life-saver, but being the late 70s sooooo little was known about it - but at least I was now functional. Then the teen/adult years - gynocologist after gyno, then fertilty specialist after fertility, painful procedure after procedure. Then of course came the many urologists, gynocologists, chirporactors, naturopaths, 3 differents TCM doctors, pelvic PT, ozone therapy, NAET, on and on. Oh the many times I was told it was cancer, or I should have a hysterectomy, or I might die, the many drugs they tried to pushon me, and of course it's all in my head - too many times to count! All of us share many of the same experiences - how amazingly wonderful that you, Dr. Matia have made it your life calling! Thank you for sharing your experience and gift with us!  And how wonderful to have Boaz by your side. Life is an amazing adventure! I'm so truly blessed to be part of this.

natasha149's picture

Matia, I've known you for so many years and I've never dared to ask.

Jeannie Burden's picture
Jeannie Burden

Thanks for sharing - I knew you must have experienced many of these symptoms your self . In my journey of IC the hardest part was having no direction and trying to figure out this disease on my own. I actually would be stressed before I saw a new doctor because I felt like i was educating them and I would have to know what to ask for - forget asking what caused the disease they only had a prescription pad . However sometimes we need western medicine as well . I was told by the last urologist I could help myself more than he could help me as I was a middle of the road case. He said maybe in 10 years medicine would have something for IC ! Well you were an answer to my prayer - I found you read the posts knew I had the same & travelled to California supported by my husband & it's 5 1/2 years ago the rest is history .  I am so much better - - however while this disease is frustrating , it has taught me many lessons and has made me a better person & nurse . I also can look after my family better . Thanks for devoting your life to helping others listening is hard - & thanks for treating me & some of my decisions always with respect . 

JessicaA's picture

I want to thank you for opeing up and sharing a bit more personal backround about yourself. It makes us all understand where you find your passion for your career path. I'm a newer patient of your husbands and have never met you, but want to personally thank you for all the both of you do together. I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am to have found your Boma Med website one night that I laid on the floor crying for 7 hours in pain unable to sleep because I was hurting so incredibly bad. Your blog and the blogs of your patients are so incredibly important for everyone to read. Nothing you post is redundant because alot of us are new and need to hear the information that you shared a couple years ago.  Thank you for keeping the posts going.