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No matter your thoughts on vaccines-read this very very long article. It is extremely interesting and I think very relevant to those having chronic illness as many having chronic illness also struggle with infections in pregnancy. This may influence your choice of healthcare with your baby and could make a huge difference in his or her health!


beth's picture

I appreciate this.

Neither my 3 sons in the spectrum(high functioning), nor I,  have ever had immunizations of any kind.

So for us, it looks like other factors combine to create the immune response and inflammation. Like you said, chronic illness, maybe even when I did not know it.

If you had a son with autism, how would this information effect your healthcare decisions? Would it have an effect on how chinese medicine is implemented in treating autism?

Love you guys,


drbrizman's picture

Beth--what I thought was interesting about this article--one of the things is what was discussed regarding the changes that may occur in the fetus if the mother has a virus or infection during gestation. There is something called Vertical Translocation and that is what the maybe "inherits" from the mother's womb directly related to the condition of her internal "eco system". This directly effects the baby's immune system. I find with our patients with IC having carried babies while imbalanced-those babies have more "issues" relating to inflammation. These issues are most commonly things like allergies, asthma, and eczema and in a few cases I have even seen IC (developing in the early years tragically), however, I feel quite certain that spectrum issues also fall along this line. I would therefor take the approach of working on that baby's microbiome as an approach to changing his or her physiology. This is what we do once the problems appear, and sometimes even before. I hope this helps!!