Weight and IC

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Typically, people having IC struggle with keeping weight on. They find themselves feeling as if they are withering away and ultimately as they regain their balance from within, the weight comes back and stabilizes at a healthy place.

In few cases, weight can become a problem, in the opposite direction. We have read numerous articles, which, we will try and gather that discusses contributing factors in these cases. But, this is one that we found to be interesting that someone just sent us. It supports others that we have read about antibiotics affecting the gastrointestinal tract and then in turn--weight.

We do think this can go both ways. However, this particular research is focused in the one direction.


Dr.M & B


atraylor's picture

I am dealing with the weight loss right now.  The only positive way I lok at it is that I've gotten some new clothes.  My family questions the weight loss though.  

cprince's picture

Antibiotics always caused extreme weight loss, probably because I could never keep anything in while taking them. Ripped my gut to pieces every time and my bathroom was the only safe place to be. I would always beg my Dr to let me stop the course early, but they always insisted I make it through. Glad this is something I won't be dealing with unless on my death bed and no other option. Interesting there is a study on weight gain and antibiotics. Everyone's bodes definitely react differently. I still drop weight really easily with any stressful situation. Does that usually balance itself out, where stress doesn't affect the whole system as much?

livandlex's picture

uurrrg of course I'm the one who gains weight for no reason - so frustrating!!! I remember being little and getting a needle everytime I was sick - I'm sure antibotics were injected right in :(

drbrizman's picture

Whether it is weight gain or weight loss, it makes a person unhappy. Most of the time, things do balance themselves.
I have had problems with a few people being very overwiehgt. 
It is tough-either way.
I am sorry you are going up unwantedly. When I was unwell back in the day, I was extremely plump. This is kind of hard to beleive because I am pretty slim now. People who knew me then take a minute to recognize me if they run into me now I look so different. I have often though to post my pictures from then and now, it is pretty incredulous. I will in the future.
In any case, my point is--it evens out as one regains his or her balance.

cprince's picture

Hoping I don't go the extreme the other way once my body is healed! :/

drbrizman's picture

Typically when someone is really underweight from this, they gain back to a normal weight.