What Diet is Right for You?

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With IC I have found that eating a diet that includes red meat and vegetables and limits, and also starches, but, in limited amounts. Over the years I have seen various diets contribute to the culmination of IC and inhibit people in their struggle with IC.

As many of you know, I will not accept new patients if they are not eating red meat. This is not out of judgement at all, it is only because I have seen vegan and vegetarian diets and even diets that only include fish or poultry prevent people from responding to the ICAMA protocol. 

This article is interesting in that Angelina Jolie speaks about her experience with vegansim, but, it also includes some interesting insight from Dr. Mercola, who, as always, I very much admire, and often agree with-mostly, but, not completely. I appreciate his ideas on individual needs for diet. For the particular cross section of the population that I treat-I do absolutely advocate meat. I wish I didnt. I am a passionate animal lover. But, I do. So, read this in that spirit please. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/09/17/angelina-j...