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If you like what I have written, please click on the "like" button so I know what subjects are most important to focus on. It is really helpful for me to get this feedback.

Also, if there are subjects on anyone's minds in this New Year, please comment here and I will gather a reference for me to draw from for future posts.

Again, Happy New Year!

We look forward to a great new year of helping more people get back their lives and more new babies! Last year was a fantastic new baby year-hopefully this one will be too:) 

Dr. M & B


cprince's picture

Possibly a post expanding on cooking oils. Not that it is possible to eat out very often, but the oils used seem to be the most anxiety provoking for me. I have learned a lot just by asking restaurant questions about everything, which would annoy the heck out of everyone at the table, hopefully someday I will have better company that won't criticize for wanting to be careful with my food choices. That's a whole different topic on social aspect of eating, which causes anxiety in of itself, as I someday may find it in myself to want to date. Anyway, I have learned the hard way and now know that just because a restaurant says they use canola oil doesn't mean it isn't cut with another oil, most commonly soybean oil, so it is important to always ask these little minute detail questions that seem crazy to those without pain issues. For example, is seaseme oil a safer option if no olive oil is available? Basically is there a guide for oils that would cause less of a reaction if we consumed on a rare occasion while others like soybean oil and coconut oil we know we must avoid. Thanks!

cprince's picture

Oh, also I forgot to mention cottonseed and peanut oils that are topping the charts for cheap alternatives for oils as well. I know peanut oil is not ok, but I know there have been some questions among patients regarding a reasturant that I know uses cottonseed oil. Maybe would be good to know when (as in list), if ever is it ok to occasionally consume some of these  oils? Are they as pain inducing as soybean oil? 

livandlex's picture

Anything and everything to do with hormones and how it affects our condition.    The week before my period is soooo bad just in symptoms of extremely painful and enlarged breasts, constant uterine cramping etc. why? Just an example but the hormonal questions are endless!

cprince's picture

I second Claire's post. Hormones are awful!!! :( Why oh why must it be so bad???

deir's picture

ON the forum,there are a lot of posts about variations on diet . How do we know when we should be exploring other diet choices on our own? (no grains, no dairy etc) How do we know we are ok as far as diet if our symptoms are still pretty bad?

lolo's picture

Dr M: I would like, if there are some general rules, to see more of your written guidance on recognizing when it it's time to adjust herbs. Once we have found a relatively comfortable state after the pains and discomforts of an adjustment change and are levelling off, is there a symptom or signs that will eventually tell us.."too comfortable; time for change"?  or do we just continue until experiencing changes?  I realize that may be a difficult task and can accept a "no"..I have learned not to rush to dentist if a toothache or check with GP re backache etc. on this amazing journey as these problems resolve themselves, but would welcome some guidelines...like number of days to persevere etc. 

I also think a list of alternative herb brands (if needed) would be useful.

and emergency pain remedies and sleep aids if they exist? and if not, perhaps, some other advice?

I would like to see some info relating progress and causes of IC? former lifestyle, body management, genetics, environment...but do know this is a daunting task with our various diversities....just any thought that comes to mind on this regard...for us to be aware of on the healing process..

I am finding it difficult to offer these suggestions and it makes me realize what a balancing act you do for each of us individually.....

Thank you Dr M and Dr B ...my loving wishes for you and your family for 2015 are beyond words along with my gratitude! Happy New Year to you and my dearly loved IC sisters


Mimij67's picture

Happy New Year!

Wow, quite a list! I think we have your whole year mapped out already!!! ;)

I am curious with your busy schedule how you and Dr. Boaz can stay abreast of the latest research to determine what new information might be incorporated into your practice, and which things are not relevant, or are simply addressed differently, because of the different paradigm that you treat under, as compared to western practitioners. Two examples of big BUZZ in the gut-healing health conversations are Histamine Intollerance (need to determine if body is over-reacting to histamine foods with "allergy" type reactions, remove the foods, fix the digestive and immune issues so body can tolerate histamines again): High histamine foods include, leftover cooked chicken, egg whites, and spinach! The other example is Soil Based Organism supplements to improve gut diversity. Natasha Trenev (Natren Founder) was very critical of SBOs about 6 years ago, but now there is a recent double-blind, placebo controlled prospective study showing good improvements in gut health with SBOs and that the Trenev's concerns about active spore formation in the gut with these supplements were premature. Also, the SBO supplements are all very different. I realize and undersand that research-wise, and clinically, the homo-lacting fermenting (non-gas producing) type bacteria (single strain, such as the amazing Natren line) are still the gold standard and have the most research behind them, but many health care practitioners are reporting good success with some of these SBO formulas for gut healing. So how do you manage all the new information? THANKS!!

If we don't excel at health, the only other option is disease.

C's picture


Hi Matia, could you explain a little more on the bladder symptoms themselves, do irritation, pain or frequency have different meanings for us to recognize, for example, could irritation mean our doses need to change or that there are more toxins coming out? is there a way to tell if increased bladder symptoms are die off or is it a sign that the bladder is still very unwell, and is it an indictaion of how unwell we are? 

And why it can take so long to see any improvement in the bladder specifically, or why the symptoms can get worse even after years of treatment for some people, and even after some level of improvement. 

the difference in my emotions and life in general when I have a more comfortable day or a good hour with my bladder makes me think that the bladder symptoms are a bad sign because they make me feel so bad, even if I have really bad die off if my bladder is ok I'm prety much ok and happy. But more often I have increased bladder symptoms with the die off which makes it so much worse to get through, and it makes me panic when my bladder feels worse especially after there has been improvement and worry that I'm going backwards (which I know is a very common feeling in IC) and I do know my body is getting stronger over time and its a long process, I just wonder why the bladder symptoms can be so long to improve for some patients and if the panic feelings are an indicator of unwellness or if that feeling itself is die off and the worse bladder symptoms could be a good sign ever. I hope that makes sense!

Thanks, as always, Claudine

Bagpuss's picture

I would be interested to read your perspective on all the new emerging research linked to IC and bacteria and biofilms in the gut and in the bladder and how this can be incorporated into treatment. 

headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Dr. M. My first symptoms seemed to be from the yeast overage in my body. My actual IC symtoms i.e. Bladder related pain etc I only had for about 4 months before coming to your clinic.  I had started a diet (including coconut oil) to try to kick out the yeast. This threw me into a horrible IC flare. I now of course know about the coconut oil. Can you please explain more on what part yeast has in all this? Since that seems to be more symptomatic for me than even bladder pain it would greatly help me to understand whats going on in my body and the protocol. Thank you so much for allowing us these questions and answers. 

C's picture

This is not necessarily a blog post, but maybe there could be a section on the website where there is a list of all the herbs and supplements you use and the preferred brand, with maybe a second choice if the first isn't available? 

Though, I'm sure there are a huge ammount of herbs you use so not sure how feasible this list would be to create. Just an idea :)



headley.patty@gmail.com's picture

Dr. M. I would also love to see maybe some examples of what a healthy diet looks like when we reach a maintenance level. i.e. Eating fruit two three times a week?  Replace fruit for a starch? Still a starch at each meal? I eat alot of red meatright now - do we continue with that during maintenance? How often would it be ok to allow say fruit sweetened treats into our diet?  After all this hard work I never want to fall back into poor eati g habits and love the way you have set up specific lists of foods we are allowed so I believe ot will really help to have an idea what a healthy diet should daily consist of beyond list 5. Also, gives us all something to strive toward and look forward to. Thank you so very much.