Full Spectrum Lighting

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This came up in our meeting last week. Dr Boaz mentioned about how draining standard florescent lighting is and suggested we should use full spectrum lights wherever possible. At the time we didn't think these bulbs were generally available here but it seems they are available online. Just google 'full spectrum lights'. I have already replaced several in our house and I plucked up the courage today to mention it to my boss thinking he would just dismiss the idea (our lighting in work is dreadful all year round) and he totally went along with the idea and ordered FSL for our office. If the light seems OK he plans to replace all the lighting in the whole building.

Just thought I would mention this as our daylight hours are so short at the moment and if you work in an office like I do, I see no daylight at all 5 days a week during the winter.

clairek's picture

Fantastic! What great news! Definitely need to get some of these - do you feel more cheerful??

Carole UK's picture
Carole UK

Actually I do. LOL
I can honestly say that I feel much less drained at the end of my day in the office. Also the light is much easier on the eyes. At work we have to have lights on all day summer and winter because the windows are so small so if the think about it, the old florescent lights have been draining me for the last 20 years!
They took a bit of getting used to because they are so different but within a couple of days they felt totally normal.