General health

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Formula 49


Formula 49 is the cornerstone of my protocol right now. I feel myself so poorly and dr. Matia wants me to do 49. ICAMA is closed and can't order until January. I would like a bottle or two if somebody wants to sell. I can pay you through paypal including shipping. I live in Hungary!Thanks a lit for your help!Orsi

Never Lose Hope


I have had IC/Vulvadynia that was triggered by a hysterectomy at the end of 2012 and have been in treatment since September 2013, I can no longer work at the moment and  lost nearly a stone in weight, I have put on 4 pounds, which may not seem a lot but has made a huge difference. Before treatment I was confined to my bed, but never gave up hope that I would get better. My diet is limited and although I do sometimes throw myself a pity party for things I cannot eat, I am so thankfull that this treatment has helped me.  Never lose hope. Even if you are struggling with pain.

Full Spectrum Lighting


This came up in our meeting last week. Dr Boaz mentioned about how draining standard florescent lighting is and suggested we should use full spectrum lights wherever possible. At the time we didn't think these bulbs were generally available here but it seems they are available online. Just google 'full spectrum lights'. I have already replaced several in our house and I plucked up the courage today to mention it to my boss thinking he would just dismiss the idea (our lighting in work is dreadful all year round) and he totally went along with the idea and ordered FSL for our office.

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