March 2015

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Posted by drbrizman on March 31, 2015 at 7:52pm

Although certain points in this article may not apply to those following ICAMA protocol, this is an outstanding article.



Posted by drbrizman on March 31, 2015 at 6:03am

OK, I thought since the last few days (really two weeks) have been utterly serious and somber for my family and I have been pretty stressed, I would do a blog on all of the funny things that come up when you are traveling and are trying to keep your healthy life style.

Posted by drbrizman on March 27, 2015 at 3:05am

It is so crazy, I am on a plane as I am writing this, which, is making my flying much more pleasurable because not I don't feel so utterly disconnected from the ground and life. Thank you all for your kind words, they are appreciated.

Life is quite painful sometimes and when it is cut short when someone is so young, it all just seems so unfair. I have my older daughter with me who is a constant reminder of how simple life is and how important it is to live in the moment.

In any case, thank you again for all of your kind words. They mean alot.



Posted by drbrizman on March 26, 2015 at 6:17am

OK, so most of you know, I had a family tragedy. Truth is, my sister's son died. 

I will be on a plane taveling tomorrow and on Monday- so I don't know what my ability to answer emails on those days will be. I promise to do my best.



Posted by drbrizman on March 25, 2015 at 12:48am

I was going back through postings and realizing that I had let Christina's question (unintentionally) go on oils. Because sometimes I get tired of hearing myself speak, I thought it would be fun to do something different and ask everyone to submit articles that they have found on oils and post them in response to this blog post.

Posted by drbrizman on March 21, 2015 at 10:44pm

I exchanged emails the other day egarding the subject of emotions and organ imbalances from the perspective of Chinese medicine. The person I was conversing with was saying that as she understood it anger is the emotion of the bladder as is mentioned from the perspective of others who have written on this condition.

Posted by drbrizman on March 19, 2015 at 7:48pm

For those of you who posted your Inspiration and connection page-please let me know if you would like me to post it on ICAMA FB page for more link exposure to your story of interest.

And, for those who have not seen it-please check it out and if you have your own story and link you would like to share, please do! I would love to form this type of connectivity within this community of people!



Posted by drbrizman on March 18, 2015 at 2:38am

Can everyone see different parts of this site? IF yes, particularly the diet?


Thank you!


Posted by drbrizman on March 13, 2015 at 8:47am


Posted by drbrizman on March 11, 2015 at 10:06pm

Someone asked me why I recommend raw milk vs coconut which is recommended by the Paleo system and the Paleo system has many similarities to my dietary recommendations.

Here is the fundamental problem I have with coconut-it is an antifungal. Antifungals, like antibiotics natural or not natural need to be used when they are indicated and can cause huge imbalances when they are not.

