Blood Tests

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typically with IC one finds that all blood work is normal, however, if something is likely to be out of range, it is often that cholesterol is high. Someone I was speaking to this past week 
reminded said she had just received her annual blood test results and her previous years elevated cholesterol and sugar had both gone down to normal range. Both were high prior to commencing treatment with me. IT is interesting because people having cholesterol issues worry about
the diet I place them on. Medicine today leads the public to believe that high cholesterol
is all about diet, but it isn't! It is about health. People who are chronically ill or chronically
unhealthy often experience problems with elevated cholesterol. When you treat the person
for their chronic health issues, their cholesterol goes down even if they are eating meat
and cheese, etc...!

I was speaking to another patient this week and looking back at old blood work done when she first came. She had elevated ANA levels--a marker used to establish Lupus and some other
auto-immune disorders. Several months after beginning my program this marker normalized.
She is now fantastic and thinking about when she might start trying to have a baby.

When the body is treated with holistic medicine, it is head to toe stuff. The focus is not 
just on the area that is in distress. So, there is no way that most other patterns of
imbalance will not correct themselves with the appropriate health restoring techniques!

All important stuff to keep in mind. 


Lexy's picture

This is so interesting to me. I have tried to convince family remembers of mine that instead of taking cholesterol meds to simply change their diet but they generally don't listen...are cholesterol meds in general dangerous?

drbrizman's picture

There are a series of articles back in the archives of this site-dig through and see if you can find them. They talk about the side effects.

Kristina's picture

I know this post from you is very old Dr Brizman but this post made me really happy. I too have a positive ANA test but all other tests were fine so I never got a lupus diagnose (i was extremely glad by the way). But it did freak me out and still does! But this gave me hope! Thank you very much! Knowing it can return to normal again!

Kristina's picture

I know this post from you is very old Dr Brizman but this post made me really happy. I too have a positive ANA test but all other tests were fine so I never got a lupus diagnose (i was extremely glad by the way). But it did freak me out and still does! But this gave me hope! Thank you very much! Knowing it can return to normal again!