Week's End

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Another week has passed and I find myself here contemplating the events that have filled it. I become completely charged as the days pass and interactions occur with people, many of whom I have come to know so well. As I watch each person go through the journey from sickness to wellness, it becomes so overwhelming--in a good way, my heart kind of spills over into my toes from the adrenalin rush. I get so excited when I am on the phone or in front of someone who is coming to realize that pain is no longer their ever present unwelcomed companion.


It is a tough road of discipline, persistence, and change, but, worth the travel and sacrifice. Because along the way, it is filled with realizations of life and self and the evolution of your mind and body connection. Life becomes so much better as one becomes more healthy and in proper balance. Emotions become more centered and the memory becomes more clear and everything appears--more crisp. Relationships become more fluid and more fullfilling. Getting well is a fight of sorts, because, one comes to the realization that ultimately, you are in charge of your own body. And, no matter how much those around you are trying to help, you need to be on board. You need to make change and be willing to turn your life upside down and see why the path you have been on has led you to illness. This realization is often the most true gift. Because when a person can be open to change, the possibilities are unlimited.

I have been really fortunate to have treated so many wonderful people and to have shared this profound experience with them. I hope to continue to do so until I can't work anymore when I am hopefully very old and no longer able. Because, for every person that I am able to accompany along this path, my life becomes more fullfilled.

For each of you that have given me your trust by extending your hand to me, I thank you for the opportunity to help you. I promise to always do my best. And, I look forward to growing the community of people are are becoming well and lessening the community of those who are sufferring one by one, day by day.




Kriste's picture

I do hope that you will be able to help for a very very long time.  I am so very greatful for your dedication to this condition and your patients.  I hate that I developed this condition but am so happy that I am being enlightened.  It is a tough road but I do agree that it is worth the sacrifice.  I am seeing the benefits.  My emotions have become more centered.  I know this because today has been quite stressful for me and I just keep telling myself to put things in perspective because it is not worth stressing over.  It won't help my health.  I take every opportunity to speak about this condition and this site (within reason of course) because I hope to be able to be a part of your dedication to help.  We are so fortunate to have you.  Thanks again Matia.

drbrizman's picture

Seeing those changes in your day to day life and beginning to realize that the stress isn't worth it is a great first step towards centeredness and wellness. Successful change is typically never all at once, but rather slow and steady. I know it is hard, but you are doing it and gaining momentum slowly!