General Health

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Developing allergies to jewelry?


Has anyone all of a sudden felt like they started having infections, rashes, itching around jewelry? Just is the past few months have started getting infection after infection with my earrings. Very painful, after take earrings out and place goldenseal on them it seems to clear, but after a few days of wearing earrings again the painful and yucky discharge starts again.  Just wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?

chloramine in water


is anyone familar with chloramine in being added to the water supply?  we moved from florida to oklahoma november 2013 and since then my 6 year old and I have had numerous health problems.  we found out that tulsa adds chloramine to their water and it has side effects.   my daughter's main symptom is skin related.  we have started using a shower filter and her skin has shown significant improvement. 

Great Read: "Missing Microbes"


Hi, everyone. I just finished an incredible book called "Missing Microbes" by Martin Blaser, who's an experienced researcher in microbiology and infectious diseases at NYU and who used to work for the CDC. The book is generally about the overuse of antibiotics and what this and other factors are doing to impact our gut flora. He talks a lot about the numerous "modern plagues" that are increasing exponentially in number and the research that he and others have done that has shown a link between our disappearing microbes and these diseases/conditions.

Chest tightness


Hey there,

I noticed a few months ago that it feels very tight around my sternum all the time especially when I bend forward there is a lot of pressure. I will ask Dr. M about it tonight but maybe some of you have the same problem. Would be nice if you share your experience. Thanks.

the perfect hard boiled egg (with no gray yolk film!)


I've been making hard boiled eggs since list 1. Before treatment, I made them the way everyone else usually makes them, boil until they're cooked through. But I came across a great way to make the perfect hard boiled egg a couple of years ago and thought I'd share as I've been making a lot of eggs lately. No more guessing on time and no more weird gray film around the yolk, whatever that gray stuff is anyway.




My husband has been amazing on this journey with me. He has supported me every second. We flew out to LA together and I could not ask for more from him. He has virtually stopped drinking (maybe a drink every 3 months with friends). He eats basically list 5...he likes some agave, raw honey, etc. He Uses rice cakes instead of bread, buys special almond butter he likes from vitacost and He has even lost 15lbs. He loves our new healthy lifestyle. He takes probiotics and juice plus daily, drinks spring water, and buys all organic.

Eye drops


I am having such a confusing mix of info and insistence re eye drops for high ocular pressure and also to follow upcoming cataract surgery. This is not glaucoma but the result of yet another condition called Pseudoexfoliation. I already reacted terribly to the eye drops when IOP appeared awhile back....flares and the whole bit. Now faced with problem again.

More from me! LOL


Ok- My mom has a nasty wound from her dog wrapping her leash around my mom's ankle and it isn't healing. She is healthy for the most part especially for her age- very active etc. She does take blood pressure meds. Sh eis very wary of dr's for good reason! I was wondering if anyone knows if taking Ear and GML is safe for elderly patieints with blood pressure issues. Or anythign else she could do.


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