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getting the candy out the house


we took the girls trick or treating last night.  they had a great time.  when we got home i took all the candy and let them pick a handful of their favorite pieces to have over the next few days/weeks.  the rest i bagged up and am sending with my husband to work.  we were able to have a good time and now we don't have all that yucky sugar lingering around our house. 



A few weeks ago one of my girls colided with a scooter and got a large scratch under her eye.  It is still there and I am worried about scarring.  Does anyone have any natural anti scarring suggestions?

Threadworms in kids?


Hi everyone,


I think that my youngest may have the above (boak - I have a phobia of things like this so this is going to be fun). Some kids at school have this and although I've never seen them in him (so no idea what I am looking for), I suspect that he may well have them too. We've never had this so no idea what I am doing.  Has anyone had to deal with this issue and how have they done it without using otc treatments? I'm steeling myself for a very unpleasant few weeks so any advice much appreciated. 

bed wetting


My boys were late to stay dry and now my 10 yr old has wet the bed 4 tiems this past week. I am truly paniced and sick over this. I feel liek I might FINALLY be turning a corner and now this starts and my stress level is through the roof so I am sure the IC will get worse too. He is upset about it and I am trying to stay cool. I know I should probably do an eliminaton diet but that is MUCH easier said than done with a 10 yr old. Plus he has seen me suffer for 3 yrs with IC and the treatment itself- not eating anything etc.

Working with Boaz to heal my 6 year old :)


Hi All

Since last summer when my daughter had a bad stomach flu, her digestion has not been right. I am very excited to be working with Boaz to get her back in balance so she has the best chance for a healthy adulthood. Will keep you all posted. So far she does not want to take her herbs but she does not have a complicated protocol so fingers crossed.

Infant bladder infection


Hi Everyone,

My new little nephew is less than 3 weeks old and was hospitalized a couple of days ago with a high fever/chills with what the doctors now believe is a bladder infection.  I am so, so sad for this new little pumpkin!  My sister-in-law said he was crying and groaning in pain.  They gave him a spinal tap and have got him on anitbiotics.  He's now doing better (no more fever and is eating again).  This seems like such a heartbreaking way to start life! 



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